Mississippi Man Was Kidnapped By Grey Aliens And Tortured By Faceless Woman
Calvin Parker and his friend Charles Hickson claimed that they had been abducted by strange creatures with lit-like mouths and crab pincers on October 11, 1973. The men were reportedly fishing near an abandoned port situated not far from their workplace in Pascagoula, Mississippi. The victims said they had seen a blue light that came out of the clouds above them and flew over their boat. Philip Mantle notes Parker described the object as a field-like shape , and according to him, it suddenly began to lower float above the water near their boat. Hickson and Parker were forced into the vehicle by grey humanoid creatures, whom they described as robots with unusual eyes, grey skin, and crab pincers for arms. Calvin Parker and his friend Charles Hickson The creatures performed various experiments on them. As soon as the aliens allowed them to return to the boat, the men went to the local police station to report what they had experienced. J. Allen Hynek and Dr. James Harder Profess...